I'm joining Lisa-Jo and the community of women over at Gypsy Mama today for writing like I used to fingerpaint--just for fun, no editing, no over-thinking, no back-tracking!
Our one-word prompt: ACHE.
I ache for my children to rise and call me blessed.
I ache for the sunrise to find me in pure joy.
I want to be the kind of woman when her feet touch the floor in the morning, Satan says, "She's up!"
I want to touch feet to floor and the first thing I think of is not coffee, but "Good morning, Father."
Some mornings He catches me off guard and He is there so powerfully beside me that all I can do is catch my breath and let a gentle greeting slip out.
And in my humanness, of course I ask Him to help me with my day. He already knows I need the help. No need hiding it from Him.
I pray He comes and He stays with me. I need Him here so desperately. My heart aches and my soul longs for thee, Oh God, only for Thee.
I am scared to take the next breath without You. None of this works without you. Rescue me.
Wake me with the sunrise. Teach my children to follow after thee.
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Join us for the fun of it!....